About project
The Estonian startup Pipedrive, which has been operating on the market for ten years, specializes in the development of a CRM platform for the simplification of all business-related processes. The newly established Prague branch of the Baltic startup has found its place in new offices in Karlín, Prague. In addition to the variable work facilities in the new offices, there is also a place for entertainment, a bar or a sauna.
Pipedrive Prague
Prague, Czech Republic
1 400 m²
Ján Antal
Martin Stára
Eva Schilhart Faberová -
Anna Dománková
Tereza Houdková -
Photos by
Studio Flusser
Adéla Pivoňková
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Pipedrive, whose business is CRM software development for small and medium sized enterprises, is defined by openness and transparency. You can find no strict hierarchy here, and free thinking is reflected in the new workplace concept. Originality and inventiveness associated with the ingenious playfulness of structured materials and colours create a unique space where employees feel comfortable. Ample social areas are interspersed with more intimate and mysterious corners. Not only are the colours bold – apart from green there is the deep yellow around the sauna – but also the wood design. Attention is captured, for example, by the distinct ash veneer.

Pipedrive is an unconventional company in several aspects. There are “tribes” or teams that are always assembled to match each specific project. After the project ends, the tribe is disbanded and a new one created. There are usually about twelve people in each tribe, which has to be taken into consideration by architects when designing individual rooms. The starting point for us were the banana-shaped tables, which we included in the project at the client’s request because they’d worked so well for the client in previous offices. Their organic shape was echoed by other elements, such as the wooden dropped ceilings in the corridors. These also facilitate orientation in the space, dividing it up and covering unsightly equipment on the ceiling that pre-dated our intervention.
Whereas the communal parts of the office are more open and full of light, the private zones are darker and more mysterious. The prominent feature of the company’s bar are its neon lamps, reflected to infinity in the dark mirrors, implying that the “sky is the limit” holds true in Pipedrive. In order to make sure you don’t get too lost in this magic world, the architects repeat the familiar ash veneer and ceramic tile motifs.